Assalamualakum wbt
erm,da lme x update sb ad technical prob
skunk uitm cuti..
kurang besh sb bru sebln msk u da cuti
bru je nk study(hehehe)
kt umah ssh r nk study
b4 blek ad modul
2 ari r modul tu
mls r ckp psl modul
sy n fatin ad 1 hobi yg besh kt sne,which is ske knekn Liya..hehe
ekceli sy nk upload gmbr mse Gempak ACE
tp xley plak
bcoz of hp tlampau canggih(erk??)
smp x phm function hp sendri..ampeh kn??
so dlm byk2 gmbr 2,yg sy upload tu je yg mmp kuar
ok,juz drop by to update my blog yg ntah pape ni
c ya,wassalam..
Awaluddin Ma'rifatullah.